TV/Video Interviews
Candace speaks with Lois Sonstegard on the Build 2Morrow podcast. She shares how overcoming addiction is a “family affair”.
Candace was on the Psych Health and Safety in Canada podcasts with Kim MacDonald. Together they discussed workplace substance abuse, the risks to health and safety, and the impact on staff and management morale. Candace also provided specific and empowering strategies that leaders and management can use to help curb substance abuse in workplaces. Please join them in a powerful episode about how to deal with addiction and potential overdoses in your workplace.
Candace enjoyed this wonderfully fun interview on the “Safety Debris” podcast with Tanya Steele and Richard Dulong. They discussed the risks and dangers of addiction in the workplace – especially in the construction industry, and how loved ones are affected by addiction in the family.
Candace speaks with Trish Tonaj on the Business Mentorship; Keepin’ It Real podcast
Candace joins Al Richards and Brad Neufeld on The Other Side of Addiction Podcast on the Resilience Talk Network to talk about Loving an Addict and the CHOICE point.
During this interview on Tamala Shaw’s “The Co-Dependent Me Podcast” we talked about my journey from addiction to empowerment. It’s important to learn to like ourselves first and then move to self-love.
Candace’s conversation with Pi Venus Winslow about trusting after trauma and rebuilding resiliency after narcissistic abuse.
Candace speaks with Ande Anderson about overcoming betrayal and deception.
During this interview with Melody Owen of Author Nation, we talked about the power personal stories have in making an impact with writing a self-help book. I shared why I wrote Loving an Addict, Loving Yourself and how I help families of addicted loved ones.
During this interview on JJ Stenhouse’s Alchemy 1.01 show on UKHealthRadio, we talked in-depth about my background with addiction on a personal level as well as how I am working with the loved ones of addicts to help both families and their addicted loved ones break the devastating cycle of addiction for good.
As part of the FREE webinars offered by Mind Body Training Institute, Juliet Austin, Clinton Power and I talked about how I work with family members of those who struggle with addiction.
Candace joined sister Women Speakers Association Premier Members Lea Tran, Roe Couture DeSaro, Debbie Helena and host Laura Rubinstein to talk about the importance of stepping into your courage and finding a way to heal.
Candace speaks with Nicole Borghi of about enabling vs helping, codependency, people-pleasing and the negative impact it has on their loved one’s recovery.
In this interview, I share the importance of self-care, especially when you love an addict.
Candace talks with Lois Sonstegard about how overcoming addiction is a family affair.
Late last year I had the pleasure of being a guest on “The Addiction Podcast – Point of No Return.” The Addiction Podcast tells stories of drug & alcohol addiction and recovery with a message of hope and help and this spoke to me. During this interview I shared my journey with Crohn’s Disease, medically prescribed opioids, and my resulting addiction. I also shared that I am now over 34 years clean and sober and have a mission to help addicts and their families achieve recovery.
Candace speaks with Karrie Miller about moving forward and healing after narcissistic abuse.
Candace speaks with Ande Anderson of Avaiya about Self-Respect: The Key to Overcoming Codependency for Addicts & Their Loved Ones
Candace speaks with Dr. Paul Newton about the impact of enabling in family addiction.
Candace shares her insight into healing trauma in Cheryl Fidelman’s Trust Yourself Again! Summit
Candace’s TEDxBearCreekPark Talk – How to Love With Boundaries – April 6, 2019
In this interview with Juliet Austin of Mind Body Institute, Candace shares her story of surviving childhood with a narcissistic mother. The beliefs that followed her into adulthood required some healing inner work on her part—but she emerged as one who now thrives—just as we all can.
Candace’s October 20th Get Inspired Talk.
Candace speaks with Ande Anderson during the Overcoming Codependency Series.
Candace tells her story at “The Depression Confessions” – December 29, 2017.
Candace is interviewed on Talk Recovery Radio about how to stay clean and sober on New Year’s Eve, as well as other pertinent issues related to addiction recovery. December 28, 2017.
Candace and Barry Samson talk about The Depression Confessions event taking place on December 29, 2017. Please click the link for details to attend.
How to End Family Dysfunction Patterns – Women Speakers Association, August 11, 2016.
In the following video, Michela courageously discusses being a loved one of addicts, and how Candace’s book transformed her life. December 1, 2014.
Candace speaks with Clinton Power of Australia Counselling and shares insights for those with loved ones who are in the devastating grip of addiction.
Candace spoke with Clinton Power of Australia Counselling on February 7th, 2014 about best practices for counselling the loved ones of people struggling with addiction. This interview was chosen as one of the Top 10 Australia Counselling Podcasts of 2014.
Candace speaks to the loved ones of people with addictions on May 14, 2013 at Adler University in Vancouver, BC
Candace talks with David Berner on Shaw TV in Vancouver about what many Loved Ones of addicts experience during the Holiday season – December 17, 2012
Candace speaks with Global BC to discuss the growing trend of young women binge drinking and under eating – August 14, 2012
Candace shares her personal story of addiction and recovery – August 6, 2011
Candace discusses her book Loving an Addict, Loving Yourself – August 5, 2011
Candace on therapy and healing from addictions such as gambling, eating disorders, smoking, overspending, relationship and sex addiction, codependency, and Internet addiction – August 5, 2011
Candace discusses Internet addiction – June 20, 2011
CBC TV News interviews Candace Plattor about “My 5 Stress Busters for Surviving the Holiday Season” – December 11, 2010
My office is located in Vancouver, BC, Canada. I provide therapy and counselling services worldwide.