Are you feeling exasperated and helpless about your family member’s addiction?
“Finally… A Long Over-due and Desperately Needed Book for Family Members of Those Suffering with an Addiction”
Maria Waller
“We have never met nor have had any contact except through your most amazing book.
My friend had your book out on his desk and the title grabbed my attention straight away so, I picked it up and started reading it.
You captivated me right from the very beginning. It was as if you were talking directly to me about all my very own thoughts and feelings, and that is why I knew I needed a copy of this book for myself.
I know already that it is going to change my life.”
Loving someone who has an addiction problem is like being trapped on a roller-coaster of painful emotions.
You never know what’s going to happen from one moment to the next. It can be like living a re-occurring nightmare that you can’t wake up from.
The ongoing lies and the broken promises, the constant worry and fear, the dwindling hope that someday things will change…
You know the story…
It’s downright exasperating.
Whether the addict in your life is your spouse, partner, parent, child, friend, or colleague, the goods news is there is a way to end your suffering and Loving an Addict, Loving Yourself: The Top 10 Survival Tips for Loving Someone with an Addiction shows you how.
It doesn’t matter what kind of addictive behavior your loved one is struggling with…
It could be alcohol and drug misuse; an eating disorder; smoking; gambling; an Internet, relationship, or sex addiction; or compulsive shopping and over-spending.
All addictions have negative consequences for loved ones.
It’s not news that many family and friends get caught in the “cycle of addiction” and don’t know how to untangle themselves from the spiral of destruction the addict is engaging in.
However, thanks to this ground-breaking book you can now discover how to help yourself disengage from the ugly path of addiction.
Karleen Nevery, Counsellor
“I wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed your book. I will definitely buy another copy to lend to others (or better still, to show them and then have them make a note to buy their own).
I found it very easy to read and a sensible approach for so many of us stuck in our “trying to fix or support” role. I believe when someone is caught in the enabling role of a loved one, they can be helped by a sensible, clear approach. I like yours.
I also like your quotes. And personal stories….
Congratulations for having completed such a wonderful piece of work!”
Loving an Addict, Loving Yourself Shows You How to Stop the Cycle of Pain and Chaos
Loving an Addict, Loving Yourself presents a dramatically fresh approach to help you get off your loved one’s roller-coaster chaos of addiction, maintain your own sanity and serenity, and live your best life.
The book clearly and simply outlines 10 things you can do to take back control of your life. It covers all aspects of loving an addict. It will help you:
- Understand the true nature of addiction.
- Face the truth even when you don’t want to.
- See your own behavior more clearly.
- Set boundaries with the addict when they ask for something that will only hurt them—or you—further.
- And most importantly, how to look after YOU.
This book helps you see that it’s not your fault. Your intentions have been in the right place, you just haven’t known what to do. You’ve done everything you can to try to help, and yet nothing you’ve done has worked. It’s time for a new approach—an approach that works!
Alexandra P.
“Candace Plattor’s work has effected a powerful positive change in my life.
Loving An Addict, Loving Yourself was my crucial first step in breaking free from the pain of an addictive relationship. This little blue book is so wise and wonderful. It was instrumental in creating the joyful life I’m now living.
Thank you Candace!”
Reading this Award Winning Book by Addictions Therapist, Candace Plattor, May Be the Most Loving Action You Take Toward Yourself… and Your Addicted Loved One
With compassion and insight gleaned from over 30 years of professional experience as a therapist with addicts and their loved ones, combined with more than 35 years of her own sobriety from addictive behaviors, author Candace Plattor gently guides you through the healing process of freeing yourself from the shame, guilt, and agony associated with loving someone with an addiction.
Candace shows you that the key to changing this painful reality for yourself lies in shifting your focus from your loved one’s addiction to your own self-care.
She shows you how to stop doing the things that are not only making your own life miserable, but which are also “enabling” the addict to continue on the path of destruction.
Even though it may seem daunting at first to cease engaging in behaviors that appear to help your loved one, Loving an Addict, Loving Yourself describes how once you take this crucial step, not only does your life start getting better, but it also encourages the addict to make important decisions that could end up being life changing for them as well.
Although Candace acknowledges that the addict may be helped through the actions you take to help yourself, the central theme of the book is that — no matter what — you must make this shift for your own sake!
Caroline Sutherland, Author of The Body Knows and The Body Knows… How to Stay Young
“In this book, Candace Plattor outlines some of the major causes for ill health and unhappiness today—addictions. She especially focuses on how to help yourself if you are the loved one of an addict. Bravo to Candace, whose personal experience and brilliant counseling strategies are turning people’s lives around!”
If You are Fed Up with a Life of Turmoil This Book is for You!
Loving an Addict, Loving Yourself, can change your life by helping you to:
- Understand the dynamics of addiction that are out of your control.
- Stop making excuses for why you feel compelled to “rescue” the addict.
- Give up the blame game – stop blaming yourself, the situation, the addict, or any thing else that keeps you stuck.
- Forgive yourself for the mistakes you’ve made, because you didn’t know any better.
- Say “no” to the addict when you have to for your own sanity as well as for the sake of your loved one.
- Start loving yourself more, knowing that doing this is also an act of love for your addicted loved one.
- Start rebuilding your life, one step at time.
If you have an addict in your life and want to stop the madness, buy this book and let the healing begin…
“I read your book Loving an Addict, Loving Yourself: The Top 10 Survival Tips for Loving Someone with an Addiction from start to finish the very first night I got it. I couldn’t put it down because I kept wanting to know about the next survival tip! It was a very positive read and it left me feeling relieved.
Being in a relationship with a drug addict, I had been thinking that I had to end it with him completely and never see him again. I thought this was the only way, but I’m starting to learn that pulling away from the relationship even a little bit can be a very positive thing. And focusing on myself isn’t so selfish, and not a bad thing! I’m starting to do just that. I still read part of your book each night to keep my spirit uplifted.
I especially like the case studies because they give me a sense of how to go about working on the relationship in a healthy way, rather than continuing the patterns I got used to. I especially like how each case study ends off with a positive outcome for the loved one of the addicted person.
I will keep working hard toward my goals, and fulfilling my spirit at the same time. I now understand what Nelson Mandela was saying in his inauguration speech, and I’m happy to say that I’m slowly allowing my own light to shine. Thank you for your help.”
Give yourself the gift of Loving an Addict, Loving Yourself: The Top 10 Survival Tips for Loving Someone with an Addiction, and get started on your own road to recovery now.
Order the PDF format right now by clicking on the link below….
PDF: $9.95
Audiobook (MP3 download): $16.95
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PDFs: Only $19.95
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Review from’s web site:
“Sound Strategies to Help Everyone.
Loving an Addict, Loving Yourself by Candace Plattor provides a ten-step roadmap to regaining control over lives side-tracked by an addict. Her approach, grounded in self-examination, self-respect and self-care, guides us through the changes we need to make in order to break the cycle that holds us at the addict’s beck and call.
From facing reality to rebuilding our lives, the strategies described by Plattor apply not only to those with an addict in their lives but to anyone impacted by poor choices made by others.
Easy to read. Highly recommended. “
Jose Sigouin
The print version of the book is available in bookstores throughout Canada and the US.
You can also order the print book through,, Indigo, or Barnes & Noble.
Please note when purchasing the audiobook you need to download it to a computer and then transfer it to your device. The audiobook is also available on Audible.
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If you would like to place a discounted order of 5 or more of either book, please contact me directly.
Order the print book in French through,, Indigo, or Barnes & Noble.
Kathryn Whipple, Virtual Assistant
“I am so pleased to have a signed copy of my own. What is so special is that your book has something to offer everyone who has loved ones who struggle with some addiction or even just problems with maturity. As a mother of grown children, I know how easy it is to enable a child in trouble. Your book is a good resource when that urge to “help” overwhelms good sense! Thank you.”
Not Ready to Buy the Book?
Download a Free Chapter, Chapter 1 — Loving Someone with an Addiction: A Life of Chaos.
For information about the workbook, please click the link below:
Loving an Addict, Loving Yourself: The Workbook
Review from’s web site:
“A must read for anyone living with or loving an addict.
This is a must read for anyone who has lived with or loved someone dealing with addiction. The sub-title ‘The Top 10 Survival Tips for Loving Someone with an Addiction’ says it all. The author, Candace Plattor, although a therapist who specializes in addictive behaviors, also speaks from personal experience. It is written in a practical and empathetic manner that encourages the reader to save themselves first and live their own life well!“
Pamela Chatry, Personal Business Manager
Please click here for
Loving an Addict, Loving Yourself: The Workbook
Please click here for more information about
Self-Respect Sunday for Your Soul . . . If You Love an Addict: A Weekly Journal
Please click here for Candace’s book in fillable PDF format for $2.95
The Truth About Addiction: Developing a New Understanding
Please click the title for Candace’s latest book in fillable PDF format for $4.95
The Difference between Helping & Enabling:
Learn How to Help the Addict You Love Come out of Addiction – Forever
CANDACE PLATTOR, M.A., REGISTERED CLINICAL COUNSELOR, is a therapist in private practice, specializing in addictive behaviors such as alcohol and drug misuse, eating disorders, smoking, gambling, Internet addiction, compulsive overspending, and relationship addiction.
My office is located in Vancouver, BC, Canada. My team and I provide therapy and counselling services worldwide.