LF Asks: When your addict is doing well, how do you manage the feelings of impending doom when you predict, like many times before, that it will go off the rails again? Hi LF, In the beginning, when families or other loved ones have the experience of an addict starting to do things differently and getting healthy and things are going well, sometimes the addict is in what we call a pink cloud. Everything is wonderful, they think they will always be in the same place, and everything is going to … [Read more...] about How do you manage the feelings of impending doom?
Setting boundaries with addicted loved ones
How can I support my loved one’s recovery without enabling their addiction?
J. asks: How can I support my loved one's recovery without enabling their addiction? And how can I communicate effectively with my loved one about their addiction? Hi J, Those are two great questions that overlap. Let me talk a bit about enabling and the difference between enabling and helping, because they're so important. When we enable someone, especially an addict, we're doing things for them that they need to do for themselves, things that they should be doing for themselves. When we do … [Read more...] about How can I support my loved one’s recovery without enabling their addiction?
Strategies for Preventing Burnout
in Work and Life
Burnout has emerged as a pervasive issue, transcending professions and seeping into personal lives, affecting individuals across various fields, from healthcare to technology, and beyond. With over three decades of experience in the healthcare sector, I've witnessed numerous colleagues grapple with the kind of stress that leads to burnout. This phenomenon isn't confined to healthcare; it's a widespread challenge that professionals and individuals face, characterized by physical fatigue, … [Read more...] about Strategies for Preventing Burnout
in Work and Life
Should We Move to Avoid a Trigger?
LL Asks: As my adult child gets off crack, should we move to another apartment so the room where he took drugs is not familiar or a trigger? Hi LL, I’m glad you wrote to me. What I’m hearing from your question is about how you can be most supportive of your son as he tries to get off crack, and I think that it’s terrific that you want to support him. There is nothing wrong with wanting to do that. As for moving to another apartment, if this is something you can afford and you have thought … [Read more...] about Should We Move to Avoid a Trigger?
The Importance of Loved Ones of Addicts Being United
Sheila asks: My husband and I have very different approaches to helping our son with his alcoholism, and it's causing arguments and problems in our relationship. How do we come together and agree on a plan? Hi Sheila, I see this happen so many times. We rarely see a family come to us where everybody is in agreement. We usually see families where one parent is enabling an adult child—meaning that they're giving them money, doing things for them, driving them places because the child had a DUI … [Read more...] about The Importance of Loved Ones of Addicts Being United