LF Asks: When your addict is doing well, how do you manage the feelings of impending doom when you predict, like many times before, that it will go off the rails again? Hi LF, In the beginning, when families or other loved ones have the experience of an addict starting to do things differently and getting healthy and things are going well, sometimes the addict is in what we call a pink cloud. Everything is wonderful, they think they will always be in the same place, and everything is going to … [Read more...] about How do you manage the feelings of impending doom?
asking for help when loving an addict
Mental Health, Addictive Behaviours and How Families Can Help
In today's fast-paced world, the conversation around mental health and addictive behaviours has become more critical than ever. The intricate connection between the two is undeniable, with each influencing and exacerbating the other. It’s important to shed light on this complex relationship, the toll it takes on families and other loved ones, and offer guidance on navigating these turbulent waters. The Interconnected Spiral of Mental Health and Addiction Mental health issues and addictive … [Read more...] about Mental Health, Addictive Behaviours and How Families Can Help
How to Talk with a Loved One Who Denies They Are Addicted
Laurie asks, what do you do when someone you love is addicted and abusing drugs, but when you try to talk to them about it, they continuously deny it. How do I help them when they won't be honest with me? Hi Laurie, This is a common situation. You know that somebody is using, you know that they're in active addiction, you know that you've seen the signs—they've changed right before your eyes. But when you try to talk to them, they tell you they don't have a problem. What we need to … [Read more...] about How to Talk with a Loved One Who Denies They Are Addicted
It’s Okay to Ask for Help!
There is a wonderful saying that tells us “Our secrets keep us sick.” Many loved ones of addicts don’t talk about their struggles or reach out for help because of the shame they feel for being in this situation. But until we ask for and receive the help we need, we don’t learn how to do things differently. Recovery begins with self-awareness and with the willingness to ask for assistance when we need it. … [Read more...] about It’s Okay to Ask for Help!
All Change Begins with Self-Awareness
Emotional maturity is what we develop when we take the time to know ourselves more deeply. When we aren’t self-aware in a problematic situation, many of us will reach for a drug or a drink – or some other kind of addictive behaviour. In my experience, I’ve found that it’s actually easier to do the inner work it takes to live with self-awareness and self-respect, rather than to stay stuck in addiction. Please reach out for help doing this, whenever you need it – although we each need to do our … [Read more...] about All Change Begins with Self-Awareness