In my last post, I wrote about Jessica’s manipulation of her parents and how they consistently gave in to her demands, allowing her disruptive and destructive behaviour to continue.By accepting that behaviour and not challenging their daughter, Jessica’s parents enabled her for many years. They posed no consequences for her and set the bar very low in terms of their expectations—and Jessica continued to live up to exactly the standard that they set. … [Read more...] about Saying NO to Manipulation: What Happens When We Enable an Addict?
Addiction and Relapse: A “Normal, Expected” Part of Recovery?
Have you ever noticed that the same issue sometimes bombards us from all angles for a while? It’s funny how life seems to come in themes. Lately I’ve been receiving a number of articles into my inbox, talking about addicts who relapse after they come out of treatment—or even after many years of sobriety. Most of these writers are telling me that relapse is a ‘normal part of recovery’ from addiction. Some are even trying to differentiate between a lapse and a relapse, as if that jargon matters … [Read more...] about Addiction and Relapse: A “Normal, Expected” Part of Recovery?
How to Enjoy the Holidays When You or Your Loved One Has an Addiction
Another year has gone by and “The Holidays” are fast approaching – although if you’re anything like me, you’re still wondering where September went! The time has come when we are once again seeing commercials on TV and in magazines about how wonderful the Christmas season is, that it is better to give than to receive, and how warm and loving families are, especially at this time of year. … [Read more...] about How to Enjoy the Holidays When You or Your Loved One Has an Addiction
Attention All Loved Ones of Addicts: Let’s Come out of the Shame Closet and Recover!
SEPTEMBER IS RECOVERY MONTH Do you know that September is Recovery Month? I think it’s amazing that a whole month has been set aside as a time to honor recovery from addiction—this shows that the times definitely are a-changin’ and that a great many more people are getting the message that recovery truly is possible. This is great for those who are struggling with addictive behaviors—from alcohol and drugs to gambling, to compulsive over-spending, to sex addiction, to Internet addiction, … [Read more...] about Attention All Loved Ones of Addicts: Let’s Come out of the Shame Closet and Recover!
AA Agnostica: Alternative Steps for Recovery from Addiction
I’ll always be grateful to 12-Step programs. Along with some other amazing Earth Angels that came into my life just at the right time, I credit 12-Step meetings for quite literally saving my life. Twenty-seven years ago, in the Springtime when many things begin to change and grow, I reached quite a low bottom with my drug addiction. From the time I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease in 1973, I began faithfully using the prescriptions given to me by my doctors: medications like Valium, … [Read more...] about AA Agnostica: Alternative Steps for Recovery from Addiction