Life begins at the end of your comfort zone—so true. I love this saying, and wish I could take credit for thinking it up. In my humble opinion, whoever came up with it is a genius—and when I saw it on a fridge magnet many years ago, I bought several of them to give as gifts to people I recognized as being entrenched in their comfort zones. (Sometimes it really does take one to know one.) Having given most of them away, I am now down to just the one that lives in its special place on the side of … [Read more...] about Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone: Recovery from Addictive Behaviors
Loving an Addict, Loving Yourself: The Importance of Setting Boundaries
As anyone who cares about an addict knows, these relationships can be very difficult. The basic challenge for loved ones of addicts of any kind is to continue to care without losing themselves in the process. One of the most important ways to do this is to be setting consistent, self-respecting boundaries with those you love. AN ADDICT’S LEAST FAVORITE WORD It’s been said that the word an addicted person least likes to hear is “No.” Even though it may seem to be that way because of an addict’s … [Read more...] about Loving an Addict, Loving Yourself: The Importance of Setting Boundaries
Addiction in the Family: Is Someone You Love Affected by Another Person’s Addiction?
For several years, I’ve been writing and speaking about what happens to the loved ones of people with addictions, and the roller-coaster chaos they often experience while desperately trying to ‘help’ the addicts in their lives. While there is now a lot of help out there for the addicts themselves – in the form of treatment centres, detoxes, and outpatient counselling—there is still, to date, little assistance offered to those who suffer right along with them. LOVED ONES OF ADDICTS STRUGGLE … [Read more...] about Addiction in the Family: Is Someone You Love Affected by Another Person’s Addiction?
From Fantasy to Reality on Valentine’s Day: Loving Yourself with Healthy Self-Care
Ah, Valentine's Day, the fantasy-filled holiday that comes right after we've managed to get ourselves through another year of Christmas and New Year's Eve! Have you ever wondered whose bright idea it was to have those three holidays in a row? For many people, the 3-month period of December through February can be the most difficult and depressing time of the year, and this is especially true for those whose significant relationships are problematic. For people with addictive behaviours, as well … [Read more...] about From Fantasy to Reality on Valentine’s Day: Loving Yourself with Healthy Self-Care
Newtown, Connecticut: Let’s Stop the Insanity
I am outraged. We elect our political officials to work for us, don’t we? And yet – we basically just let them do whatever they want, in so many ways. WHY DOES THIS MADNESS CONTINUE? I’m not even talking about the fact that they bemoan this ‘fiscal cliff’ as the latest buzzword tells us – while they receive gigantic salaries that they absolutely DO NOT deserve. Or the fact that they hire limos and private planes and drink $25 glasses of orange juice on the dime of the rest of us, the … [Read more...] about Newtown, Connecticut: Let’s Stop the Insanity