Not sure if you’re ready for our free 30-minute consultation?
Here are a few questions to ask yourself.
Is the addict you love getting more demanding and are you finding it harder to say “no”?
Have you noticed that your addict’s life is getting more chaotic, dangerous and out of control?
Is your family member’s addiction impacting other parts of your life such as work, other relationships, finances, or quality of life?
Do you find yourself awake in the middle of the night replaying a recent conversation?
Are you constantly worried that the phone will ring with the worst news about the addict you love?
Do you know how to set and maintain appropriate boundaries with your addict?
Have you spent hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars trying to make the addict you love get clean and sober?
Are you willing to look at how you may be enabling the addict to stay stuck in active addiction?
Are you open to new strategies to help the addict you love?